
How to use this app

Note: You can use this app without registering, but only when you register (it's free!) and login will you be able to take advantage of the Machine Learning, AI, and template merging features of this app.

How to register

You can register by clicking here. You can also register by clicking 'PCRGen.ai' in the top left corner, and hit the 'Sign Up' button, or by opening the menu from the left upper corner, select 'Login', and then select 'Register'. The rest is pretty obvious.

Note: Whether you are registered or not, none of your PCRs will be stored on our systems. Only the mathemetical representations of the sentences called embeddings will be used for machine learning purposes. For more information on HIPAA related to this app, see the FAQ.

Creating a new report

To create a new PCR, click the main menu icon in the top-left corner and select the Create PCR option. A screen will appear where you can choose the report type. Currently, SOAP and CHART report types are supported. If you're logged in and have templates defined for the selected report type, you can choose a template; otherwise, click 'Create'. This will open a new screen where you can begin working on your PCR.

Working on your PCR

In the first step, you can either type your narrative or dictate it by clicking the 'Record' button and speaking the details of your report. When you're finished, click the 'Stop' button, and your narrated text will appear in the window. You don't need to complete the narration in one session—take a pause by clicking 'Stop,' then resume by clicking 'Record' again. If you're not satisfied with the last text added, simply click the 'Undo' button to remove it. To continue to the next step, hit the 'Next' button.

Note: You don't have to worry about the type of report you're creating here, just focus on the content of the PCR. The next step will classify the text into the correct categories for the selected report type.

Note: You can use shorthand like 'Unit 25 responding to pts house, pt found on chair, 16g iv in lac, transported to ER.' Shorthand text typically is a one-liner separated by commas. Shorthand can be expanded into normal sentences when you select that option after clicking the Next button.

After hitting the 'Next' button in the previous step and waiting a few seconds, the initial version of the report should show up. You may find some sentences that are in the wrong category, especially when you're not logged in and the system doesn't know about your preferences.

If you are logged in, and want to change some classifications, simply cut and paste the sentence into the correct category. This will teach the system about your preferences with respect to the selected report type. The next time it encounters a sentence that is similar to the one you moved around, it will put it into the correct category. You can also test this by hitting the 'Back' button, and then hitting the 'Next' button again, as this will regenerate the report.

Example: If you want 'rule out COPD' in the R category of a CHART report, cut and paste that sentence into the R category, and the next time the report will put 'rule out COPD', 'rule out cardiac', etc into the R category. Note: This only works for YOU when YOU are logged in (so create that account!)

To continue to the next step, hit the 'Next' button. If you are logged in, and selected a template when you created a new report, the next step will merge the contents of your template into the narrative. Otherwise, the next step will create a concise report.

The system will integrate the narrative from the previous step into the template specified at the start of this report. The final output will be a blend of the narrative's details and the template's information, with the narrative taking precedence.

Example: If your template mentions something like 'transport without incident' and your narrative mentions 'patient kicked an EMT' then the transport was not without incident, and the final report will mention the incident from the narrative.

This version of the report will change take your original report and use standard medical abbreviations and concise medical language.

The final step is the Feedback step, and you guessed it, hit the 'Next' button to get there.

This step will analyze your report (your original report, or the templated report if there is one) and provide feedback with respect to inconsistencies and/or missing information. Maybe it has some useful information that you use to update your report.

Going Back to Previous Results
You don't have to hit the 'Back' button a number of times to go back to the results of a previous step. You can simply click on one of the step numbers that are displayed above the report.